One of my Happiest Classes

Fun kids classes

Such a lovely start to the week. Yesterday I took the most amazing Boxercise class. A private session with twin boys, both of whom are autistic. It was one of the happiest classes that I have taken. Neither of the boys were able to speak, but both certainly seemed to understand most of what I was saying, but I appreciate it is difficult to know. They didn’t like to wear the gloves, but their eyes lit up when they hit the Boxing pads with their hands, especially as we burst into cheer when they did. They would then run away and then when I called for them to punch me again, they would run back to me, all smiles. It was so absolutely lovely and heart warming. I had to be quick thinking and creative with my activities and loved the fact that they really knew what they did and didn’t like. Such moments really put things into perspective and yesterday we were all smiling and laughing during the class.

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